Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Sleeping In

     Remember when you were in High School and you could sleep and sleep and sleep and sleep? Remember when you would hear 'old' people talk about how they could not sleep in anymore?
     I am that old person. If I sleep past eight on a Saturday I wake up rejoicing! I woke up at nine this morning! Nine!!! I did not have to be at work until 11:30 (then I got the call that I did not have to come in at all)!
     I am always jealous of the babies at work that fall asleep while they are eating lunch. They then take two hour naps. Jealous. Then they go home and fall asleep at like eight! I bet those babies rarely sleep in though!
     Thank you snow storm for allowing me to sleep in today. Thank you snow storm for letting me stay home all day long.

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