Thursday, September 1, 2011


   I feel like this lamb. Just happily (when i'm not throwing up) skipping (maybe more like waddling) along the road of pregnancy. September is finally here! I am so glad!!! This brings me one month closer to having my baby girl here!
   I have to admit...I'm donezo being pregnant. Which I think is my first guilty mothering thought. It's such a strange feeling. I feel so lucky and blessed that I have been able to have this blessing of being pregnant but at the same time I think..I have a room for you please exit my body after 35 weeks...thanks!!! I should not feel bad for feeling like this..but I do...or maybe I should feel bad for feeling like this...*sigh*
   Either way I am grateful for this rolling, tumbling, shy girl taking up some space in my belly but I am still glad it is September :)