Saturday, January 22, 2011

Weight and Waiting

     I figured having a picture of my future kitchen would be perfect for something titled Weight and Waiting.
     The Weight part. Well I lost two pounds this week! WooHoo! (insert sarcasm) But you have to start somewhere right? At my WW meeting this morning this hilarious lady was like, "ya'll be crazy for hollerin' about one itty bitty pound." But then she went on to talk about how it had taken her more than a few months to gain this weight so it was obvious that it was going to take more than a few months to lose what she had gained. I thought this lady was right on.  We are from a generation where we want everything now.  I get impatient when it takes more than a milisecond for my internet to connect. So, I lost two pounds this week! WooHoo! (Forget the sarcasm it's better than gaining two pounds)
     The Waiting part. See that picture up there. I LOVE that kitchen. I love white. I know I'll have to wait for it though...and still then it may never happen. The other day as I was doing dishes and counting down the days til I get a dishwasher (three years and six months), I realized that Aaron and I will be in this house for that much longer! I have not lived in the same place for that long since I lived with my parents!!! That is crazy. Our house is pretty small but perfect for us....and maybe one more.  So next time I'm out garage selling and I see a piece of furniture I could sand down and paint. I'm going to wait. I mean I realize that when I was in Oklahoma I was at an antique store and bought an old door and forgot that I came here on a plane.
     Patience is a virtue and I will definitely enjoy my time while I'm waiting.

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