Tuesday, August 30, 2011


   I try not to brag...but really I must...I have the best husband in the world. He has been dealing with this sick, pregnant woman for 33 weeks now! The daily occurance of vomiting has not stopped him from (just about) every morning offering me a cold rag, a cracker, or something to drink.
   He deals with me on my weepy days where I cry about rabbits not having anywhere to stay during the winter.
   He deals with my snappy sassy attitude when I ask why he put such large pieces of ice in my drink. (This is sad...but true...I've taken to eating ice ALL the time)
   I am so excited to meet this little lady and see what she looks like. I am almost as excited to see her as I am to see what an amazing dad my amazing husband is going to be.
(PS I love that this husband has no idea that I blog about him! Bahahahahaha!)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

~Baby Shower~

   It's been awhile since my last post..I hate when this happens because then it is so hard to get back to doing it frequently.
   Something I wanted to post about though was my amazing Baby Shower! Why was it amazing? Let me tell you. It was amazing not because there was wonderful food, not because of the adorable decorations, not because of the cute gifts. It was amazing to be a thousand miles away from all my family and still have 'family'. These women made me feel so loved and special. It is amazing the relationships you can form in just a year and I am so grateful for these wonderful ladies and for everything that they do for me.
   I know that Aaron and I are where we are supposed to be. We are in such a unique situation because we go to church with so many other doctors and their wives. I go to a church that is full of young moms with young kids and they all have the most amazing advice.
   I am so blessed.